Saturday, May 30, 2009

Happy Birthday Natalie!

Our little girl turned 1 year old today! Wow!!! I can't believe she's a toddler. She had a wonderful time hanging out with friends and family. We were so happy that everyone was able to come -- Nana and Grandpa, Oma and Opa, Auntie Kendra and Hayden, Uncle Paul and Sharron; Mommy's Aunt Barbara and Uncle Jerry, cousins Lynn, Kathy and David and their families, Cameron, Conner, Courtney, Rob, Brett, Ryan, Steph and Keegan, Aunt Becky and Amber; Natalie's Great Grandma Hoffman; Mommy's friends Stacy, Mike, Andrew, Courtney, Chad and Katelyn; and Nana and Grandpa's neighbors Helen, Emery, Sue and Mike. It was great spending time and sharing Natalie's first birthday with everyone! Here are some sample photos we captured of the day.

Natalie playing and getting ready before her birthday party.

Party time

Natalie's first birthday cake was made by Nana and Auntie Kendra. It turned out perfect! They also got a few cupcakes for the kids.

We really appreciate all the great gifts Natalie got from family and friends! She'll have plenty of toys to keep her busy while look cute in her new outfits. At the time she was more into playing with Oma's camera and Papa's phone but she helped open a few presents.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Museum of Life & Science

We took Natalie to the Museum of Life and Science today. They have farm animals outside which we thought she'd love to see. It took her a little while to warm up to the animals as you can see from above -- the cow was a little much for her. She got to see some rabbits, sheep, a donkey, goats and a goose. She also tried making friends with another little girl.

The museum also has a butterfly observatory. There were a lot of butterflies around for Natalie to look at.

Natalie eating some chicken & chickpea stew:

My friend Jimmie sent Natalie her first birthday gift -- a tent. She loves it! She's been chasing Papa and the cats through it and the attached tunnel. Her play room is starting to really fill in (especially with the cute cardboard fort Kinsey made her earlier this week :).