Saturday, October 27, 2007

Week 10

I'm 25% of the way done! Give or take whenever I actually deliver. And I'm in the double digits! Very exciting day! Our little bean is now the size of a small plum and will be the size of a large lime by the end of the week (don't you love how the books compare our baby to food). He/she is growing a lot right now. Soon (in the next few weeks), my uterus will come out from under my pelvic bone and I will definitely start showing a baby bump vs. just bloat and/or my normal belly chub.

Morning sickness has definitely not hit me that much during this pregnancy which is nice. Only occasional nausea but no throwing up. Our baby must know I have to take the subway every day and throwing up will not work well there :)

Not much else is going on right now. I've started using my prenatal workout DVDs (yoga, pilates, and strength training) -- I hope to continue staying in decent shape throughout the pregnancy. Unfortunately though last night while working out, I got a pretty serious kink in my neck and am having a hard time moving today. :( Hopefully that goes away soon!

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Week 9

I can't believe I'm already 9 weeks pregnant today. Time is going by much faster than I thought it would, although I can't wait till May. Emile and I decided to go look at cribs today -- after the ultra sound on Tuesday, we're really excited to start looking into everything. We went to 3 stores -- all of different quality and hence, cost -- Bellini , Pottery Barn Kids, and Baby's R Us. So far we both like the ivory or light wood color cribs -- I think it will keep the baby's room airy and light! Plus, when else would I ever buy white furniture :)

I had my last doctor's appointment with my current OB/Gyn this past Thursday. She did the normal -- took my blood pressure and checked my weight. Thursday marked the last time we will be discussing my weight until I turn 32 -- 10 months from now! She referred us to another doctor at Cornell (Manhattan location vs. Ithaca). I'm hoping to line up my first appointment with her for when I'm about 12 weeks. That will be after my next ultra sound (on November 6th).

Not much else is going on right now -- my morning sickness is still pretty mild (thankfully). I'm looking forward to looking more pregnant than just bloated or chubby. I'm sure that's coming soon!

Also, Emile looked more into the Old Wives Tale and the baby's heart rate. As expected, he found a number of scientific articles that shower there is no correlation between heart rate and the baby's gender. To give you a pictorial view, we found this graph that shows in general the heart rate tends to be higher at around 8 weeks (when I went in) and drops off later in the pregnancy -- whether a boy or a girl.


Where does this leave us? Right where we started -- we have a 50:50 chance of having a boy or a girl :). Hopefully, we'll find out in about 9 weeks (when I'm 18 weeks pregnant).

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

First Ultra Sound

We are so excited!! I can't get over how overjoyed I am right now. We got to see our little olive (that's about the size of our baby right now) and everything looks great - two arms and two legs are forming and his/her heart is kicking strong (one baby, no twins!). I'm so excited!!!! The doctor and ultra sound technician both said everything looked great -- exactly where it should be right now.

He/she is actually measuring further along than calculated. Today, based on my LMP date, I'm 8 weeks 3 days; however, our baby is measuring 8 weeks 6 days based on the crown to rump measurement. We probably won't need to change our EDD though because it's only a difference of a few days.

The heart rate is measuring 174 beats/min. Based on old wives tales, this would indicate a girl (greater than 140 beats/min) -- but this is an old wives tales! We'll see what our olive turns out to be at my ultra sound at 18 weeks. Here are two 2D ultra sounds and two 3D ultra sounds.

For both photos below, his/her head is on left, body then feet at the bottom.

Below are two 3D photos. You're looking at our baby from behind. You can see the right side of the head, back, arm bud and leg bud. The long tube coming out of the baby is the umbilical cord.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Week 8 -- 2 Months Completed!

I have officially completed 2 months of pregnancy -- only 7 months to go! I can't believe I'm already 8 weeks. It's gone by so fast. I thought it would take forever to get to the week of my first ultra sound but it's already around the corner. This Tuesday, Emile and I will get to see our baby for the first time and find out if it's one or two babies :)

My morning sickness has gotten a little worse. I still haven't thrown up but I start feeling nauseous around early to mid morning and it stays with me for most of the day. I think I'm going to need to stock up on peppermint tea and ginger ale -- two things that are supposed to help with morning sickness (a misnomer as it can last all day and doesn't necessarily start in the morning).

I ordered some prenatal workout DVDs which arrived this week. After my 4.5 mile walk today, I tried out the pilates DVD -- I'm so glad I got these. I feel much more comfortable doing workouts now -- less concern that I might be doing something wrong. I had been avoiding doing anything other than walking up until now.

So far I haven't gained any weight. In the first trimester, on average, I'm only supposed to gain about 3 pounds. I expect that will probably come in the next few weeks.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Week 7

I am 7 weeks pregnant today. There are a still no major changes to my physical appearance. This week, I've started to feel a little more nauseous; however, nothing to severe yet. Less than two weeks to go till our first ultra sound -- time is flying!