Tuesday, October 16, 2007

First Ultra Sound

We are so excited!! I can't get over how overjoyed I am right now. We got to see our little olive (that's about the size of our baby right now) and everything looks great - two arms and two legs are forming and his/her heart is kicking strong (one baby, no twins!). I'm so excited!!!! The doctor and ultra sound technician both said everything looked great -- exactly where it should be right now.

He/she is actually measuring further along than calculated. Today, based on my LMP date, I'm 8 weeks 3 days; however, our baby is measuring 8 weeks 6 days based on the crown to rump measurement. We probably won't need to change our EDD though because it's only a difference of a few days.

The heart rate is measuring 174 beats/min. Based on old wives tales, this would indicate a girl (greater than 140 beats/min) -- but this is an old wives tales! We'll see what our olive turns out to be at my ultra sound at 18 weeks. Here are two 2D ultra sounds and two 3D ultra sounds.

For both photos below, his/her head is on left, body then feet at the bottom.

Below are two 3D photos. You're looking at our baby from behind. You can see the right side of the head, back, arm bud and leg bud. The long tube coming out of the baby is the umbilical cord.

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