Saturday, November 15, 2008

Eating Bananas

After Natalie got used to eating rice cereal from a spoon, she started showing signs of not liking it at all. We tried giving her oatmeal instead but got a similar response. So we started giving her bananas. She loves them! She opens her mouth wide for them and loves to help feed herself already. I'm not surprised that she didn't take to the cereal as well as bananas. I've read that breastfed babies do better starting with bananas because they're similar to flavor (sweeter) to breast milk, whereas formula-fed babies are more used a bland taste similar to cereal. We're going to introduce her to sweet potatoes today. Emile is making all her food!

Trying to eat Papa's head:
Play time:We're trying to encourage Natalie to reach for toys to the side of her so she'll pick up on rolling from her back to her tummy. She's making some progress -- she'll roll to her side. The video below shows her doing it a little bit; it's also a great video of her laughing!

Natalie no longer sleeps in her swing for naps. It's now been over a week with her sleeping in her crib. It hasn't been the smoothest transition but she's getting better. She's not good yet at put herself to sleep during the day (she can at night if she wakes up in the middle of the night when it's not time to nurse). But we know she'll get better at it as time goes on.

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