Sunday, December 7, 2008

First Sint Nicolaas Dag

Friday, December 5, was Sint Nicolaas Dag (Saint Nicholas Day). In Dutch tradition, we put Natalie's shoe by the front door that night for Sinterklaas to bring her gifts. We were also supposed to leave a carrot for Sinterklaas' horse but we didn't have any so we left him a tangerine. Her shoe looked so cute sitting there. Picus was curious as to what was going on.

Natalie's Oma and Opa sent some items to leave her from Sinterklaas. There were two bibs for her and lots of good Dutch cookies and candies for us!

Yesterday, we went to a tree farm to pick out Natalie's first Christmas tree. Our friends, Stephanie, Jason and their son, Dylan, joined us.

Papa set up the tree with Natalie.

Today, Natalie and I put on lights and decorated.
Another cute photo of Natalie and Papa.


Jimmie said...

Papa got a haircut!

Callie said...

I love the pics of Natalie with her gifts. She looks so cute!