Wednesday, March 4, 2009

9 mo. appointment

Natalie had her 9 month well-visit appointment yesterday with Dr. Parkerson. She's now 18 lbs. 8 oz. and 27 1/4" long -- in the 45th and 50th percentile. Her head is in the 95th percentile again -- she needs to put all her smarts somewhere :) Dr. Parkerson said she's doing great and had no concerns. Doctor's appointments are much more difficult now that she's mobile. I spent the whole time trying to make sure she didn't crawl off the table.

Yesterday, Natalie also pulled up from a sitting position to standing using her singing mirror toy (I believe there is a photo of it in an earlier post). And she's started moving her feet to walk while we hold her hands. This is such an exciting time! She gets herself into a yoga pose, downward dog, all the time now where props herself onto her hands and feet. She's going to be standing soon I think!

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