Thursday, June 3, 2010

Claire is 6 months old!

Our Claire is already 6 months old!  As is the case every month, I'm shocked as to how fast it's gone.  She is such a sweet little pumpkin.  Always smiling!  And she loves to watch what her big sister does.  She's not rolling back to tummy yet but is getting very close.  She does great sitting up and playing.  Just yesterday she discovered her voice and now shrieks. 

Here are some videos of the girls over the last few days.

Natalie's birthday party:

Claire laughing at Natalie's birthday balloon from her friend Emily:

Natalie's pretend sleep:

Natalie checking out her birthday present from us on her birthday morning:

Natalie loves Snow White and now likes to "whistle/sing" while she cleans like Snow White.

Claire loves the new bubble toys that Natalie got for her birthday:

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