Thursday, December 23, 2010

Santa and the Mall of America

While visiting Oma and Opa in MN over Claire's birthday weekend, we also took the girls to the Mall of America to go on some amusement park rides (Claire's first) and to see Santa.  Natalie wouldn't get anywhere near Santa and started crying before we were even 10 feet from him.  So I was only able to get a photo of Claire sitting with Santa this year.  She looks a bit confused why I'm having her sit on some strange guys lap but she was a trooper!  We'll have to see how next year goes -- if Natalie is over her Santa Claus fear and/or if Claire has developed one.  It might be a few years before I have a photo of the two of them sitting with Santa.

The girls loved the amusement park rides with Oma and me.  Papa was in charge of taking photos.  We went on the Blue's Clues ride and a carousal.  Natalie and Oma went on a car ride that Natalie insisted Oma needed to go on with her instead of Papa.  Claire and I went on a balloon ride -- she loves balloons right now.  We had a blast.  I'm already looking forward to taking them again next year.

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