Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Trip to Wisconsin

Natalie and I took our first flight without Papa on July 24th. We flew back to Wisconsin for my cousin's baby shower. Natalie did so well on the flights. On the way there, we had a bulkhead seat which had plenty of room in front of us. She played on the floor for most of the flight. On the way home, even though we had an hour and half delay on the plane in which we walked up and down the aisle looking around, Natalie feel asleep on my shoulder 5 minutes after take off and slept until we started our decent.

While in WI, we got to spend time with my family. My cousin Christopher and his wife, Laurie came by to visit on Friday. They had actually not met Natalie yet so it was great having them there. And of course, Natalie enjoyed spending time with Grandpa, Nana, Auntie Kendra, Hayden and Uncle Paul.

On Saturday, we drove up to Crivitz, WI for Steph's baby shower (my cousin David's wife). Natalie got to spend time with my Aunt Barbara, Aunt Becky and my cousin's Lynn, Amber and Steph. Natalie had a lot of fun playing with Lynn's daughter Cortney and Hayden.

Although I can't seem to get enough hair into my hand to put it up, Kinsey has been able to get Natalie's hair into pigtails a few times. They look adorable (although I prefer her hair down). She's also mastering drawing with chalk and signing "please" when she wants to get into the pantry.

Some snuggle time with Papa:
Natalie drew her first picture a few weeks ago. Now it's a favorite pastime with Kinsey:

Listening to Papa read some Dutch books:
Or trying to crawl over him to get in her chair :)

Natalie in her new big girl pool. I love that it provides shade while she's playing around.

1 comment:

Rachel Bates said...

I love her pigtails! :)