Sunday, January 3, 2010

Claire is 1 month old!

Can you believe that one month has already gone by? Claire is such a wonderful part of our lives. She's getting so big and staying awake a lot more now. She loves looking at faces and watching what we're doing. She likes to look at the frog on her playmat but isn't too into tummy time yet (not surprising!). And she can sure belt it out when she wants your attention. She's sleeping about 3-3.5 hours at a time at night which isn't too bad. She usually goes back to sleep pretty easily after nursing in the middle of the night. Nights are the toughest when Natalie also wakes up and wants me to snuggle with her. Although I don't mind and love doing it, I'm definitely tired in the morning.

Natalie is saying so many words now. It's just amazing. We have to be careful what we say because she's starting to repeat everything. We've decided to start getting her familiar with the potty. She's expressed interest and so far likes to sit on the potty. Right now we're only trying before her bath and if she mentions it at other times. I think we're still a ways off from full on
potty training but it's a promising start.

Here are some recent photos of our two girls:

Here's Natalie trying to give Claire a kiss and hug.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello. I wanted to write you a note and tell you a funny story. I somehow found your blog when I was randomly looking on the internet for belly shots. It was around April of last year and I was looking for a good example of what I might look like at different stages as my belly grew. I liked how you took lots of belly shots when you were pregnant with Natalie, which were organized by trimester, so it was easy to go strait to those pages when I wanted a visual comparison. I wasn’t reading your current postings, and I stopped looking in June. Then today I randomly went to your blog to check it out and saw that our babies were born only a few days apart! Nathan was born on 12/6 (he was due on 12/12). Its fun to see pictures of Claire because she’s so close in age to Nathan. If you want to, you can see pictures on facebook if you send me a friend request.
Take care,
Jill Zahm
Portland, Oregon