Saturday, January 30, 2010

First Snowfall for the Year

Claire got to experience her first snowfall today. And Natalie got to play in the snow for the first time given she was only 7 months last year when she saw her first snowfall. Unfortunately, Natalie was not at all happy to play in the snow. It seems to have scared her. She cried to go in almost right away. How did a Minnesotan and Wisconsinite have a daughter who's afraid of the snow!

Claire is finally letting me wear her occassionally. It helps when she wants to be held but I need my hands free to play with Natalie or get things done around the house. This is the Baby K'tan wrap which I like much better than the hotsling and Moby Wrap. Claire even falls asleep in it.

Natalie loves playing on the easel that Oma and Opa got her for Christmas. We got a roll of paper to put over the chalkboard when she wants to paint or use markers. She's our little Van Gogh!
Here are a number of videos we've taken over the last few weeks that I thought everyone might enjoy.

Natalie started a soccer class for 18 mo. to 3 year olds. She loves to kick around balls so we thought she'd love this class. So far she's having a blast.

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