Turns out that Dr. Chrisomalis miscalculated my estimated due date (EDD) -- next year is leap year so there is an extra day; my original EDD was correct: May 24, 2008!! Thus, I was 6 weeks yesterday, Saturday, September 29th. Not that this makes much difference - most women don't give birth on their EDD anyways! And the doctor could change my EDD once they do my ultra sound.
I have set up my appointment for my first ultra sound. Unfortunately, they are not able to get me in this week like I was hoping. My 1st u/s appointment will be Tuesday, October 16th! I will 8 weeks 3 days pregnant. Although we were hoping to see the heartbeat sooner, at 8 weeks, our baby will have more features that are recognizable plus the heartbeat should be going strong at that point! We're looking forward to that day.
By the end of this week, our baby should be the size of a BB pellet -- still pretty small. He/she is hidden behind my pelvic bone right now so any "bulge" you see in me is all bloat! :) Around 13 weeks, my uterus should be out from under the bone and thus, baby belly starts!
Luckily I still don't have morning sickness but on average it starts around the 6th week -- we'll see if I'm one of the lucky few who don't get hit hard with it.