Monday, March 30, 2009

Natalie is 10 months old!

Natalie is 10 months old today! She now has 3 teeth and another trying to break through. And I think she said her first word today! While I was holding her, she snuggled into my shoulder and said "Mama". I'm pretty excited (even if it was fluke). It was adorable!

The only way I could get her to sit still for her monthly photo was to give her one of her favorite bedtime "toys" -- her toothbrush. Kinsey got Natalie to start laughing while playing with it. We're glad she likes brushing her teeth.

Natalie has also started take 6-10 steps behind her push-walker toy. I'll post a video once I catch her on film.

We bought Natalie her first wagon. I took her for her first ride in it over the weekend. She seemed to like it much more than sitting in the stroller. And an added bonus -- she now gets to throw toys out and watch mommy pick them up (over and over again)! Now to just figure out how to get her to keep her hat and sunglasses on (or at least her hat).

The weather is starting to get much warmer. Although it rained on Saturday, the temperature was so nice that we were able to play on our deck. I can't wait until we get patio furniture!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

First time in Sandbox

Earlier this week, Natalie played in a sandbox for the first time with her good friend, Dylan (on the right), and another little boy, Austin, that we had just met at the park. She seemed to enjoy it, mostly the interacting with Dylan and Austin. She didn't really pick up the sand and try to eat it as I expected but more played with the sandbox toys.

Now that Natalie is crawling everywhere, standing up and even trying to stand on her own, she's now exploring everything she can get her hands on. Her latest - the box of tupperware I bought.

When Emile gets home at night, he and Natalie spend time playing together. Her favorite is when he lifts her up over his head and then back down on the pillows.

We repainted the playroom in the colors of Natalie's bedroom -- lavender on most walls and cream in the window nook. We figure we'd use those colors because eventually when we have more children, this will become Natalie's bedroom. We also got her a new chair from Pottery Barn Kids (Anywhere Chair) that has her name embroider on it. She looks so cute in it. In addition, we got a toy organizer. I'm pretty happy with the choice -- it has canvas containers instead of the plastic ones I've seen on many. I like how the room is starting to come together. Later this summer, we're going to get her a table and chairs. I still need to put decorations on the wall.

Here's a photo of Natalie's adorable look when she's sitting up waiting for me to come get her in the morning.

For the last 3 or 4 weeks, Natalie will try to put something on her head when it falls off that she saw/felt us put it there. I finally caught it on video.

Playing at and cruising around her activity table:

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy Saint Patrick's Day!

Natalie wanted to wish everyone a Happy Saint Patrick's Day!

And Natalie started cruising today.  She walked all the way around her activity table (while holding on).  Wow, her mobility is increasing much quicker than I expected.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Pulling Up on Everything

It's amazing how quickly Natalie has gone from sitting to crawling and pulling up to stand -- just a few short weeks. Over the last few days she's started pulling up in her Pack N Play, on the coffee table, refrigerator, TV console, and our window seats plus pulling up on our legs when she wants to be picked up. She's getting so big!

Standing up by her singing mirror:

Playing with her activity table. This week she figured out how to lift up the purple lid on the table.

A week ago we got 6" of snow! Then by Friday, it was 80 degrees! Crazy North Carolina weather. I got a video of Natalie's nanny, Kinsey, taking her out in the snow last Monday, and Saturday, Emile took some photos of Natalie and I playing out side in the sun!

Natalie has discovered the fun of taking magazines and books off the shelf and perusing them (i.e. destroying them). She's now started throwing a fit if we move her away from the books/magazines -- foreshadowing of the terrible twos maybe!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

9 mo. appointment

Natalie had her 9 month well-visit appointment yesterday with Dr. Parkerson. She's now 18 lbs. 8 oz. and 27 1/4" long -- in the 45th and 50th percentile. Her head is in the 95th percentile again -- she needs to put all her smarts somewhere :) Dr. Parkerson said she's doing great and had no concerns. Doctor's appointments are much more difficult now that she's mobile. I spent the whole time trying to make sure she didn't crawl off the table.

Yesterday, Natalie also pulled up from a sitting position to standing using her singing mirror toy (I believe there is a photo of it in an earlier post). And she's started moving her feet to walk while we hold her hands. This is such an exciting time! She gets herself into a yoga pose, downward dog, all the time now where props herself onto her hands and feet. She's going to be standing soon I think!