Claire has started smiling and babbling so much more lately. She's giving full on grins that are so adorable! I still trying to catch it on video and photos.
Claire is also sleeping longer at night (up to 9 hours) and sleeping in her crib in her own room as of Friday. Unfortunately though, her schedule has gotten screwed up and I'm having a hard time getting her to bed before 10 p.m. to midnight. It's making for very long nights for me. I usually get about 10-15 min to myself at night. I know this is a stage but I can't wait till it passes.
Natalie is such a great big sister. She loves to share her doll, Baby, with Claire and have Baby do whatever Claire is doing -- lay on the mat, tummy time.
Natalie's kisses to Claire are always so adorable! She just grazes her cheek with her lips.
Natalie is getting so big. She now is saying a lot of two word sentences -- Papa home, Papa cook, Help me, Mama do, etc. She's also going through a very independent stage and when she doesn't want to eat something we give her or something, she throws her food again. We're working on trying to get her to stop but she finds it funny so it's been a little difficult.
We moved Claire out of her infant sling in the bath into the full infant bath tub. She loves it. She's splashes all around while giving huge smiles. Natalie does a great job helping to give her a bath!