Saturday, November 21, 2009

First Haircut

Natalie had her first hair cut today. Her hair was pretty uneven in the back and the ends were looking a bit wrecked so I thought it would be good to get a nice trim before the holidays. She did a great job. She didn't cry but she did keep asking for me to pick her up. They cut off more than I wanted so unfortunately it will probably be awhile before the length grows back again but the curl/wave in the back is still there. She looks very cute.

Natalie doesn't let us take many photos or videos of her very frequently lately. Every time she sees the camera she wants to look at the photos or video so she stops what she's doing and sits down for us to show her. Here are a few photos we've gotten of her the last few weeks.

I was able to get a video of Natalie playing with Kinsey outside this week. If I take the video from afar, she doesn't notice as much.

1 comment:

Rachel Bates said...

Oh I love her pigtails! They are so cute. We have the same problem taking pictures/video of Liam. All my videos are of him asking for the camera.