Saturday, October 16, 2010

Play Time

The girls have been pretty busy with activities lately.  Natalie loves playing outside now that the weather has cooled off.  Her favorite activities are coloring with chalk and riding around on her tricycle.  Claire is having a great time outside with this wonderful weather also.  She loves to walk behind her push-walker toy (not sure what its called) and the red rocket Natalie got for her 1st birthday.  She is becoming little miss independent and gets very upset if you try to control where the rocket goes so it doesn't get to far ahead of her.  She wants to do it herself!  I wonder where she got that from.  Claire is also extremely excited to be pushed around in the Little Tyke car.

I took the girls for some special time at the park recently.  We played in the sand, on the jungle gym equipment and walked down by Falls Lake.  Natalie loves the lake; she's always talking about wanting to go to the Lake.

The girls also went with Kinsey to Marbles Museum recently.  It's been awhile since they'd been there, and not since Claire became so mobile.  It sounds and looks like they had a wonderful time.


The girls and I have a new routine that Natalie makes sure we stick to.  While I feed Claire dinner at 5 p.m., Natalie gets a Juicy Juice and sits on my lap while I read books.

1 comment:

Nat said...

Rach, thanks so much for the sweet comment. It means a lot. And OMG, Both girls are getting so big. I Natalie looks so grown up and Claire is so close to toddlerhood. See you next week!