Friday, February 11, 2011

January Playtime

As you can tell, it is hard to keep up on this blog with two little girls! By the time I get to sit down at night, I'm pretty exhausted. So tonight is my night to try to catch up!

The girls are both doing great things. Claire has finally said her first words. Emile and Kinsey have heard her say "bye bye". And my parents have heard her say "ball" when referring to one of her favorite things -- balloons. But the one she's really started using is "mama", which I love to hear! Her favorite toy now is Play-doh. It's the first thing she goes into the closet to get. We have to watch her with it thought because she still tries to put it in her mouth but she's now knows that she's not supposed to so she'll start to bring it to her mouth, she looks for me to tell her not to and she gives a big smile!

Natalie can identify all the lower case letters (she's known the upper case letters for 6 months or so). She's now starting to try to sound letters out. It's really cute because although she knows some, like the sound of "p", she just takes the letter for the others and makes it into a sound, like "u" sounds like "u" over and over. :) Her favorite things to do are still playing with princesses and dancing/dressing up like princess/ballerina.

Below are a number of photos of the girls playing around the house.

Claire in the apron Oma made her:

Natalie playing with her word puzzles:

Natalie being dramatic, pretending to sleep:

The girls dancing in their tutus:

1 comment:

Auntie Kendra said...

The pictures ate so cute. I love the ones with the girls dancing in thier tutus.I cannot wait to see them again.