And our other great news -- Claire started rolling back to tummy this past Sunday! She's been moving all over while sitting - twisting, turning, and scooting all over. She finally decided to try this rolling skill out! And she's so close to crawling. She inches around on her belly from left to right and even scoots backwards. Plus she's lunging forward. I think she's going to start crawling soon. Here is a video I finally got of her rolling.
We also got Claire a different type of puff to try eating (Teddy Puffs). They are not as light so she's able to grasp them and actually get them in her mouth without them sticking to her hands like the other ones.
Claire started swim class this last weekend. She loves it! It's nice being able to spend one on one time with her. Unfortunately the photos didn't turn out that well -- Emile was trying to tackle the camera while keeping Natalie from trying to run in the pool; she didn't like waiting on the deck for us. I'm hoping to get more photos when Oma and Opa visit in August when Natalie is at home with Emile.
The girls playing:
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