Saturday, October 20, 2007

Week 9

I can't believe I'm already 9 weeks pregnant today. Time is going by much faster than I thought it would, although I can't wait till May. Emile and I decided to go look at cribs today -- after the ultra sound on Tuesday, we're really excited to start looking into everything. We went to 3 stores -- all of different quality and hence, cost -- Bellini , Pottery Barn Kids, and Baby's R Us. So far we both like the ivory or light wood color cribs -- I think it will keep the baby's room airy and light! Plus, when else would I ever buy white furniture :)

I had my last doctor's appointment with my current OB/Gyn this past Thursday. She did the normal -- took my blood pressure and checked my weight. Thursday marked the last time we will be discussing my weight until I turn 32 -- 10 months from now! She referred us to another doctor at Cornell (Manhattan location vs. Ithaca). I'm hoping to line up my first appointment with her for when I'm about 12 weeks. That will be after my next ultra sound (on November 6th).

Not much else is going on right now -- my morning sickness is still pretty mild (thankfully). I'm looking forward to looking more pregnant than just bloated or chubby. I'm sure that's coming soon!

Also, Emile looked more into the Old Wives Tale and the baby's heart rate. As expected, he found a number of scientific articles that shower there is no correlation between heart rate and the baby's gender. To give you a pictorial view, we found this graph that shows in general the heart rate tends to be higher at around 8 weeks (when I went in) and drops off later in the pregnancy -- whether a boy or a girl.


Where does this leave us? Right where we started -- we have a 50:50 chance of having a boy or a girl :). Hopefully, we'll find out in about 9 weeks (when I'm 18 weeks pregnant).

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