I also started speaking with Dr. Homeister about my "birth plan" which for now, I'm thinking will be trying to avoid an epidural, pitocin and c-section -- we'll see if I stick with giving birth without the epidural. :) Dr. Homeister stated that although about 80% of their patients do give birth using an epidural, they would work with me to avoid it if that is what I choose.
Dr. Homeister also told me that our little girl is positioned head down with her body leaning more to the left side -- this makes sense when I consider where most of the kicks and pushes are that I feel. Due to the lack of space available to her now, she is making fewer big movements, like somersaults, and more small movements of the arms and legs.
I also had my 1-hour glucose test to check for gestational diabetes. They have you drink about 300 mL of this orange drink which I thought would be worse than it actual was by the way others have spoken. But it was just like an orange drink from McDonalds. After sitting for an hour after the drink, I had blood taken. This past Thursday, I found out that I passed the 1-hour test -- yay!! No gestational diabetes!
They also gave me my RhoGam shot because I have O- blood and Emile has B+ (and thus, our baby will more than likely have + blood). Nothing big -- just another shot in my arm. I'll have another one after she's born.
Our baby now weighs about 3 lbs! I'm measuring 29 cm from my pelvic bone to my breast bone -- right where I should be!
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