Thursday, December 23, 2010

Family Time in MN

In addition to celebrating Claire's first birthday in Minnesota, we spent a lot of time hanging out with family.  The girls enjoyed all their time playing with Oma and Opa at home while it was freezing cold outside.

My family came in town for Claire's party.  They also came over to Oma and Opa's house the following day so that we could all exchange Christmas gifts since we were not going to see them over the holiday.  Nana, Grandpa, Auntie Kendra, Hayden, Uncle Paul and Sharron all came.  They gave the girls, and us, wonderful presents.  The girls have been playing a lot with the toys since.  I think Natalie's favorite is the princess castle that Nana and Grandpa got her.  Claire loves her activity block.

We also got to celebrate Sint Nicolaas while at Oma and Opa's. 

Hayden's birthday is the day before Claire's so we took him to Rainforest Cafe in the Mall of America for lunch to celebrate.  They have mechanical apes and so forth that scared Natalie although Claire was very intrigued by them.  Most of the photos of Natalie show her looking side-eyed at the apes wondering what they're doing.  In one photo, she's actually trying to squeeze her eyes shut so she doesn't have to see them.  We won't be going back there for awhile!

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