Friday, December 3, 2010

Our Christmas Tree

Thanksgiving weekend we took the girls got our traditional Christmas tree spot to get a tree.  Natalie helped Claire pick out the best tree.  Emile set it up for us and the girls helped me to decorate it after I put the lights up.  Natalie loved decorating the tree.  She put on about a dozen non-breakable ornaments -- all in one area of the tree.  Claire then crawled around to take some off the tree!  It was a lot of fun.
We've started two new Christmas traditions with the girls - Elf on the Shelf and reading Christmas books.  We got an cute elf that we put on our bookshelf.  The elf hangs out during the day but "leaves" at night to go tell Santa whether the girls were good during the day.  In the morning the girls come down and look to find where the elf is sitting once he returned from visiting Santa.  Natalie loves it.

I've also started reading the girls a different holiday book each night in front of the tree before bath. Right now, Natalie picks out the book each night while Claire crawls around.  I love it!

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