Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Santa Parade and Baking Cookies

We've started a new yearly tradition with the girls -- going to the annual Santa Parade in downtown Raleigh.  We met up with Emile's boss' and co-worker's families right in front of the Capital Building.  The parade was just like those with have in Wisconsin for the 4th -- lots of floats and marching bands.  I think Natalie's favorite things though were the horses!  And of course, seeing Santa come into town at the end of the parade.  Definitely something we plan to do again in years to come.

Natalie also helped me bake Thanksgiving sugar cookies.  She picked out the cookie cutters, helped me roll out the dough with the rolling pin she got from her Nana and Grandpa, and cut out the shapes.  She was a great helper and wonderful baker!

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